
Showing posts from February, 2009

Internet BalckOut x(


Third is the charm

Your favorite blood thirsty Kratos is back with a vengeance. Sony has announced that God of War III is coming out for the PS3, thanks to SciFi Wire . My new favorite site is Fidgit.Com (for games), its associated with my favorite channel, The Sci-Fi Channel , which also brings us (for gadgets) & of course SciFi Wire. Make sure to check them out when you a chance =). Have a good day =) -Ash

Kindle 2

So amazon has apparently released the Kindle 2 , and I must say, it looks pretty good. The design is slimmer, and they added a "Text To Speach" feature, and adjusted the dictionary function. Engadget has the scoop, so check it out the link when you get a chance =) Later -Ash