
Showing posts from April, 2009

Gaming Post

I just wanted to bring 2 things to the attention of my fellow Game peeps: #1- Apparently the rumors about a new PSP are not entirely rumors, there has been talk about a UMD-less PSP device coming up towards the end of this year (2009), I must say it does look pretty cool =). Here is the article . #2- I have stumbled upon a cool show called WCG: Ultimate Gamer , 12 hard core gamers go head to head each week, not only playing the video games, but actually "living" them. Each week 1 player gets eliminated, until only 1 Ultimate Gamer reigns. The show is put together really well, and thanks to HuLu I've been catching up =) Take care peeps =) -Ash

eReaders Revolution

I was reading a very intriguing article on Yahoo, it started off talking about AT&T selling netbooks for $50, with a 2 year contract. Then slid into talking about Sprint, and how it is the wireless carrier for Amazon's Kindle. But what grabbed my attention was the article claimed that Verizon said it has been approached by companies looking to use their network for wireless eReaders. This is going to be fun =). I personally own a Sony eReader, and I love it. I'm really hoping that with all this uprising of eReaders, that Sony would decide to be more aggressive with marketing their product as heavily as Amazon. Come on Sony, you can do it, =) Here is the actual article .