
Showing posts from June, 2017

CEH : Achievement Unlocked

Hello World,  So very recently I've accomplished a goal of mine, I'm officially a Certified Ethical Hacker. What that means is I studied and now have the academic knowledge to be a Pen Tester / Entry level Information Security Analyst. I am excited and frustrated at the same time, here is why. I'm excited because I've accomplished this task which I've been wanting to do for a while now (a little over a year), and it does give me a boost in my confidence, I won't lie about that. I'm frustrated because I keep running into a couple of things at this point when trying to get into this field. Thing #1: Most of the jobs that are posted require Top Secret clearance, which I don't have. Thing #2: The rare "entry level" positions that I do find that don't require a clearance are either far from where I live, or ask for 2 years experience.  Its at this point when I start worried a little, because I've run into this situation before. A decade ...

The Sudan Spring : A Call to Action

Hello World,  I wanted to talk to you about something today that is near and dear to my heart. First of, do you remember something called "The Arab Spring", back in 2011? You know when countries in North Africa started a revolution against their dictators, and many of them were talked about (some still bask in that glory today), well in 2012 a revolt happened in Sudan (and is still happening today), but no one brought any attention to it. What does this have to do with technology? Everything.  You see the people who were (are) revolting, are the bright young women and men. So what they started doing is report on their own revolt. They would take their cell phones to these peaceful protests and stream them to YouTube. At one point I was in contact with someone there who sent me daily text message of images and reports from there, and I would post them on the Sudan Speaks blog. Then the contact wanted to update it directly from there, then they stopped updating. ...

Hello World .. again

I'm so excited to be reviving this blog of mine once more. I have written in it for quite some time *cough* 2013 *cough*, but that will change. I'm excited to be starting some new things, and want to document my journey will of you. I can't wait. -ash