Python Projects : Rock Paper Scissors Game v2 of 3
Hello World, Today I give you Version 2 of my Rock Paper Scissors game (RPS) . In this version, I was able to add a scoring mechanism, the game is set to the best out of 3 plays, and I tell you, it took me a couple of days to work out some kinks The First Kink: How to score it In theory, it seemed simple to me, the game is set to 3 plays, the best 2 out of the 3 wins, cool. How do I do that exactly? Well, my first attempt was a disaster, and I feel was a bit too complicated, I worked on it for half a day and I had to scrap it, because it was actually causing the program to malfunction. I'll tell you both attempts, so that we would both learn from my mistake. The Failed Attempt Since I had 3 separate functions for rock() , paper(), scissors(). Each one was going to produce a winner , loser, or a tie. So I went into each of these functions and created user_point & computer_point variables, which that function would return at the end of its round. Then the scoring...