
Showing posts from February, 2008

Linked-In Etiquette

I found an article that describes briefly what Linked-In is exactly, and also tells you how to use it properly. If you are unfamiliar with "Linked-In", its a Professional Network site, meaning, its NOT aimed to be used for 'fun' (that's what MySpace & FaceBook are for). Linked-In is intended to be used to literally network with business professionals in either your field or other fields your interested in. Hopefully someone in a company you admire, or would like to work for. So basically its another way to put your resume out there, in a more 'relaxed' casual environment. [ Get Ahead on Linked-In ] Have a good day everyone. -Ash

A race to the moon...

...Literally, Google and the X Prize Foundation announced official contenders to a Private Race To The Moon . Ten(10) teams from around the world, will be competing for a Thirty(30) Million dollar prize, by creating a robot that will land on the moon and send pictures back to Earth. This is the kind of innovation, and encouragement young engineers and scientist need. Don't get me wrong, I think NASA has done some great work over the years, but private projects such as these are pure innovation in my opinion, because the only restrictions they will have is gravity and physics. I can't wait to see the shiny uprising of MoonBots =). Have a good day. -Ash


This is very exciting, the University of Cambridge & Nokia have announced a joint "Nanotechnology Project" they call "Morph". The article by David Becker reveals that there is a new kind of cell phone coming out in the "future", saying that Nokia is hoping to have these new phones out with in 7 years. If that is possible, in my opinion, it will change our way of communicating for a good while. In the article is also a YouTube video of how Morph is going to be used, theoretically speaking of course. [ The Morph Article/Video demo ] Have a good week everybody. -Ash


Microsoft is giving its Visual Studio web applications free, to students. According to the article on WIRED magazine's website by Jessica Mintz, a technology writer for AP, the DreamSpark offer will include "Visual Studio Professional Edition, a software development environment; Expression Studio, which includes graphic design and Web site and hybrid Web-desktop programming tools; and XNA Game Studio 2.0, a video game development program." As a game developer student, this is HUGE. Students need access to these types of software, and not just in the school lab. Because the only time we are in there is when we have class. So having a non-water down version of the software is very helpful to us. To find out if you qualify for the DreamSpark download, go to [ ]


I'm currently reading this great article on WIRED Magazine's website, talking about where the "Base" for the newest Air Force Cyber Devision will be. Its being called "Cyber Command", sounds like a term you would here on a Transformers episode, but its true. The article is five(5) pages long, so if you plan to read it make sure you have a few mintues to spare. [ Welcome To Cyberwar Country, USA ] The topic of Hacking and Cyber Crime has always been near to my heart, I honestly do think that the next major terrorist attack will be a digital one, which is why after I get my B.S. in Simulation and Digital Entertainment, I want to get a Masters in Computer Forensics. Hope you enjoy the article. Have a good Wednesday. - Ash

24 Hour Game Challenge | Ohio Game Jam

This was a very cool experience for me as a potential game developer. Last fall [2007], Dr. Harmeyer found out about a friendly competition called the “Ohio Game Jam”, she sent out an email to the SDE students to inform them of this event. Dakota LaMaster contacted me a week or so later, he said that he had two (2) game artists with him and needed another programmer to help even things out. I accepted the offer and before you know it we were all packed and ready for our gaming road trip. Ohio Game Jam This game jam isn’t about ‘playing’ a video game, its about ‘making’ one. As an SDE student at the University of Baltimore , I was very excited to put the skills I’ve been acquired to the test. So when this opportunity came knocking I anxiously opened the door. The idea behind this game jam is as follows: A theme will be revealed to the team of developers, then you have 24 hours to create a working, playable game. That’s it, plain but not so simple, as far as what program to use was up ...