
Showing posts from 2009

windows 7, cheating Robots, & Spider-woman?

As an XP fan, and someone who hasn't played too much with Vista, I have been very 50/50 about changing ANY of my machines to any other operating system. I just read an article on Wired about 7 good things about Windows 7 , and I must say it's winning me over. I will most definatly still have my old laptop running good old XP, but I'm willing to try out Win7, I especially love the fact that they have XP Mode, and Wifi media streaming out of the box. Awesome. Apparently Robots can cheat now =) Marvel is now doing Motion Comics: Spider-Woman

Google OS!

This is pretty exciting, I'm not surprised really, when Google started testing out the Android OS for smartphones, I kind of thought that it would lead to this. But what I didn't see is "the way" the Operating System would, well operate =) According to an awesome article on Wired Magazine, the "OS will be for the web and browser-based. It hopes to convince developers to write software that runs inside a browser, instead of on top of the OS as developers for Windows and Apples’ OS X do. It will also let web developers extend the power of their websites by expanding the capabilities of the browser, allowing websites to lean on the browser for storage and processing help." That's pretty cool =) Here is the full article if your intrested: Google vs Microsoft enjoy! =)

Its year of the PSP

You read right, PSP news has been down low for a while, even since news/rumors about a thinner PSP and all that jazz. But great news my fellow PSP-ers =), there are some great games coming out this fall for the PSP including titles such as "Assassin's Creed" & "Little Big Planet". I'm very sycked about this, I'm usually never home so I don't have one of the big 3 at my home, but I do own a PSP, and get super excited when ever they make awesome games for it. For more info check out the Destination Playstation site.

Work of Warcraft =)

A communication professor in Stanford took the "Token" way of virtual life in World of Warcraft and incorporated it into the work's email system, the reason for this to reduce mailbox overload, and get the important messages noticed/read quicker. IBM tested his theory, and it worked =) Here is the full article from Wired: The Game of Life .

a Games post

Being a Simulation & Digital Entertainment (SDE) graduate from the University of Baltimore , its natural that information about video game technologies grab my attention. Also the fact that I totally love my PSP, helps me find things like these: A mouse mod for the PSP . Patapon 2: UMD-less official release for the PSP . Another site I've been checking out a lot lately is the Games section of I'm a fan of the channel and follow many of their programs,so for them to actually have a such a cool site, with a section dedicated to gaming entertainment just makes them even more awesome =) I hope you've enjoyed my quick post for today, I'll check you all later. Have a great week. -Ash

Gaming Post

I just wanted to bring 2 things to the attention of my fellow Game peeps: #1- Apparently the rumors about a new PSP are not entirely rumors, there has been talk about a UMD-less PSP device coming up towards the end of this year (2009), I must say it does look pretty cool =). Here is the article . #2- I have stumbled upon a cool show called WCG: Ultimate Gamer , 12 hard core gamers go head to head each week, not only playing the video games, but actually "living" them. Each week 1 player gets eliminated, until only 1 Ultimate Gamer reigns. The show is put together really well, and thanks to HuLu I've been catching up =) Take care peeps =) -Ash

eReaders Revolution

I was reading a very intriguing article on Yahoo, it started off talking about AT&T selling netbooks for $50, with a 2 year contract. Then slid into talking about Sprint, and how it is the wireless carrier for Amazon's Kindle. But what grabbed my attention was the article claimed that Verizon said it has been approached by companies looking to use their network for wireless eReaders. This is going to be fun =). I personally own a Sony eReader, and I love it. I'm really hoping that with all this uprising of eReaders, that Sony would decide to be more aggressive with marketing their product as heavily as Amazon. Come on Sony, you can do it, =) Here is the actual article .

Make games easier

I came across an article on , that a developer at Bethesda named Brett Douville, wants to make games easier. Genius. =)

Internet BalckOut x(


Third is the charm

Your favorite blood thirsty Kratos is back with a vengeance. Sony has announced that God of War III is coming out for the PS3, thanks to SciFi Wire . My new favorite site is Fidgit.Com (for games), its associated with my favorite channel, The Sci-Fi Channel , which also brings us (for gadgets) & of course SciFi Wire. Make sure to check them out when you a chance =). Have a good day =) -Ash

Kindle 2

So amazon has apparently released the Kindle 2 , and I must say, it looks pretty good. The design is slimmer, and they added a "Text To Speach" feature, and adjusted the dictionary function. Engadget has the scoop, so check it out the link when you get a chance =) Later -Ash