Apple's VP Greg Joswiak, thinks iPhone will dominate the gaming market
According to an article on, Mr. Joswiak thinks that the iPhone is a better gaming platform, even saying that "The DS and PSP are outdated".
What do you think?
I personally disagree. the iPhone / iTouch both have great potential for being an Apple Handheld, but I don't see myself buying a Phone to play video games. There are a lot of thinks to consider, like how many games will the iPhone/Touch hold until you have to either upgrade to a larger memory, or start carrying your games on an external device (game CDs?). With the DS & PSP, that is not an issue.
I'm a huge fan of the PSP, I don't see it as a "gaming device", its almost a mini-computer. With all the cool features and updates that were added only last year (such as using it as a camera, and using skype) it is nothing short of a portable communicator.
Besides, shouldn't the iPhone focus more on getting their battery life & firm ware issues fixed first, before they decide that they are better than everyone in everything?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an Apple hater, I think they have innovative ideas and have a strong following, but at the end of the day many people like me, simply see the iPhone as an iPhone.
Take care everyone
What do you think?
I personally disagree. the iPhone / iTouch both have great potential for being an Apple Handheld, but I don't see myself buying a Phone to play video games. There are a lot of thinks to consider, like how many games will the iPhone/Touch hold until you have to either upgrade to a larger memory, or start carrying your games on an external device (game CDs?). With the DS & PSP, that is not an issue.
I'm a huge fan of the PSP, I don't see it as a "gaming device", its almost a mini-computer. With all the cool features and updates that were added only last year (such as using it as a camera, and using skype) it is nothing short of a portable communicator.
Besides, shouldn't the iPhone focus more on getting their battery life & firm ware issues fixed first, before they decide that they are better than everyone in everything?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an Apple hater, I think they have innovative ideas and have a strong following, but at the end of the day many people like me, simply see the iPhone as an iPhone.
Take care everyone