So many tablets, So little time

 Needless to say that Tables are slowly taking over, there are so many choices and flavors out there, that you can lose your way easily. The best way to determine with tablet is for YOU is know exactly what YOU want. Some people want a tablet to watch movies on, some want a tablet to replace their netbook.

 Narrowing down what you want well help you immensely. Lets take me for example, I'm a Geek Musician, and I'm constantly thinking of ideas and projects that I can do with my music. I also like to organize these thoughts so that I can find them easily in the future, and being part of several musical project I like to share these ideas with my fellow project mates as soon as possible. And I love to write and draw, using my hand. Those are the functions I NEED in a tablet. Don't really care if the back camera has an led flash, or if video isn't IMAX quality.

Software / Hardware
 Now that I know what I want as far as features, I need to determine what kind of OS. And for me its a no brainier, it MUST be an Android OS! Done.
That has narrowed my search quite significantly to "an Android tablet with a stylus".
As far as size, the smaller the better, I'm a minimalist and I don't like to carry big things with me.

The Search
 After searching the interwebs with these perimeters in mind , I came across the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. It had all the necessities for me. The stylus (or S Pen), the built in app "S Note" which allows me to organize notebooks for each of my musical projects, and write/draw using my hand or typing, which ever I fancy. Its an android tablet, 16 gb of internal memory, but has a micro-sd slot for expanded memory.
Plus it links up to Google Drive and Evernote, which I use very often as well. The built in email app is great, allows me to connect to multiple email accounts and I can view them all on one page and reply back with ease.

 PLUS it has a great feature, the multi-window feature, which allows me to have 2 windows open at the same time. I've had people ask "what good is that feature for?", for me, its good for research. I would have the S Note app open, and then open up a browser, search what ever topic that I'm looking for, and take notes. Or you can have an instructional video open and take notes, there are SO many ways to use it. I did some more research about the Galaxy Note 8, and found that it not only fits, but exceeds my needs.

Your Usability 
 One of the features that I use constantly is "S Note", it allows you to add One Audio and One Video embed to each note. So if I'm working on a new song, I can write down lyrics, draw a tab for the chords, and even record a video of my playing the song right into the same note, and that is very helpful.

 In conclusion, if you take the time to narrow down what you need in order for the tablet to be useful to you, it will help make your search much much easier, AND you will be able to get the most out of your new tech.

If you have a favorite tablet let me know in the comments below, would love to hear about it :)

Take care.


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