Python Projects : Rock Paper Scissors Game v1
Hello World, Today, I'm introducing my first Python game, I was online looking for good beginner python projects, and one that came up was to create a "Rock Paper Scissors" game. I did some more searching and found a couple of videos online, but each one went about it in a different way, so I decided to think through it my self. I'm happy to say that I was able to create this 1st version . You play against the computer, which randomly chooses one of the 3 choices. You play 3 times per round, and with each choices it tells you who one. And at the end of each round, you can choose to play another round. What I don't have. A scoring mechanism. I haven't figured that part out, yet. But I do have an idea that I will try soon. I'm pretty excited I made this, and I can't wait to add that scoring mechanism. I hope you enjoy it. Remember. "Coding is the closest thing we have to a superpower" - anonymous Go be a Super. -ash