Python Projects: Salary Calculator
Hello World,
Today I present to you a simple Salary calculator that I call "HY Salary", HY is for "Hourly Yearly".
As I'm applying for jobs, I noticed that some jobs give you only the Hourly wage, and let you figure out how much that salary is, and other ask you how much you want per hour, so I had to calculate from the Salary I desire to find out the proper hourly wage.
Yes, its true you can go online and find a calculator to do all this for you.
Yes, its true you can download an App to do this for you as well, but where is the fun in that.
I need to keep practicing my Python, and I love creating little programs to use on my phone.
So I created HY Salary, and added the script to my phone and use QPython to run it when I need it.
I'm hoping to improve on it as I update it.
Currently it is set to calculate a standard 40 hour day, 5 days a week
Please enjoy.
"Coding is the closest thing we have to a superpower" - anonymous
Go be a Super.