Hanhelds , MODs, & Games

I found the following game related topics very nice, and shiny (literally in some cases), and I decided to share them with you. Enjoy.

No more just plain colored hand-helds, a company called ColorWare has a website in which you can customize the colors that you want for your DS-lite and they send it to you, so you could have a hand-held truly yours.

PsP: 3.93 firmWare upDate
The latest firmware upDate has now been released.
What this includes is: 20 internet radio stations \ Skype \ Playstation Network.
You could do the update either through the PSP or through your PC, choose your method.

xBox Halo MOD:
For 55 Euros, you will receive a kit that will allow you change you xBox 360 case, to a Green Halo MOD case. It actually looks wicked cool.

Ash Games:
I've updated my portfolio to include some of the Games that I've worked on in the past 2 years for my classes, so now I have a "games" page, as well as a "C++" page which includes the files as well as the code for people to use if they want to take a crack at MODing these silly creations =)

Free Game:
EA has released a free game for people to play online, its called Battlefield Heroes. No its not an FPS (first person shooter), its actually very cartoony looking, you can get more info at their site.

I hope you enjoy my compressed gaming post, I think I might start doing this every now and then, its pretty cool don't you think =)

Have a good day.


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