They come in pairs

Hello world,
 So today I had a random thought, the existence of a book called "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, sparked an interesting discovery for me. I knew I had heard the name, but I couldn't place what he authored. A quick search and voila, he wrote the "Narinia" series. Then I remembered where I had heard the name, it was in college and I was in class that spoke about J.R.R. Tolken, and how he was friends with C.S. Lewis, and that's when I noticed something. Many of the big innovations tend to come in twos, here is what I noticed.

Pepsi Cola - Coca-Cola.
Both came from rival pharmacists at there time.

C.S. Lewis - J.R.R. Tolken
Gave us "Chronically of Narnia" & "The Lord or Rings" series respectively.

Steve Jobs - Bill Gates
Gave us "Apple" & "Windows" respectively.

So I started thinking, who would be the "TWO" of today, and it was a no brainer for me.
Elon Musk - Jeff Bazos
Giving us "SpaceX" & "Blue Origin" respectively. (as well as "Tesla" cars, and "Amazon")

I do know of the existence of "Virgin Atlantic" and of "Android" (which I'm a fan of), but I think those two are doing their own thing in a way. "Virgin Atlantic" is geared more towards commercial trips and not specifically towards space exploration. And Android is a formidable mobile platform, but I personally have not seen anything swoon worthy as far as Operating System, see what I mean?

So next time you see something innovative, keep a sharp eye on who is running right next to them.
Who knows, it might be you.

Be Cool, and create something awesome today.


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